Intro to my life

HI, I’m Hayden, a freshman in college. I’ve been around the block, you could say. Definitely a few laps and an extra one for good measure. Calling Arkansas, Tennessee, Arizona, Connecticut, and Florida home has given me plentiful experiences in different environments. I’ve noticed each state has its own unique subculture, varying minutely from the mass American culture but still enough to be noticed. Tennessee loves country music, Arkansas prides itself on the manual laborers, Florida… well it’s hard to think when it’s this damn hot.  Just look at the absurd humidity here. So far, Connecticut has been my favorite but Florida’s world class sport fishery brings it to a close second.

I’ve played every sport under the sun, except football (mother is worrisome, even heading a soccer ball makes her cringe from the sidelines) and I love them all. I was playing soccer this week actually, over at my girlfriend’s dorm on UF campus (yes I have a girlfriend in college and it doesn’t even suck) and I got invited to play for UF’s club team once I transfer.

I am an economics major looking to head into law school after my four-year degree. I am currently in Microeconomics as I passed the Advanced Placement Macroeconomics course in high school.  I decided to pursue law from adolescence after I noticed I don’t seem to lose arguments. My mom hates it, but she tells me it’ll help me buy her a big house someday. We’re northerners at heart, as I’ve spent the majority of my life in New England. I suppose she won’t spurn something like this:

If we’re being honest, this house is in Canada. But hey, I’ll throw one of these bad boys down right on the edge of the Connecticut River.

I have been a huge Gators fan my whole life, so maybe one day I’ll get to call myself one. Already having season tickets for this year has me finicky in my chair as I write this. I got them for dirt cheap too (one of the numerous perks of having a girlfriend that goes there). I’m hoping this week flies by so that I can find myself enjoying the extended weekend watching the boys from old Florida crush UMass. Luckily UMass is rated dead last out of 128 teams. This is one of the few times you won’t catch me rooting for the underdog.


356 words

4 thoughts on “Intro to my life

  1. Ha! I feel you 100% on not playing football because of your parents. Mine refused to even let me think about playing that, even though all my friends were football players. Go gators! I love the north, I’ve been to Michigan a number of times and I’ve even been as far up as Toronto. One day I wish to live up there, mainly to avoid the hellish humidity. Having a girlfriend in college isn’t bad man, join the club!!


  2. dude your are a pretty interesting dude. i love your vocabulary and the way you word things such as ” been around the block” lol. its pretty cool that you have traveled so much in such a little time. i have been a couple of nice places such as califorinia, new york and of course the many states that are neighbors to florida. keep up the good work and you will do fine.


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